Monday, May 16, 2011

New York Interviews Earl Sweatshirt

The infamous Earl Sweatshirt of the group Odd Future has been found and actually has been interviewed by the New Yorker. In this interview Earl goes on to say that he is not being kept against his will and he also speaks on how people should not disrespect his mom. Read an excerpt below.

“Please listen: I am not being held against my will… Initially I was really pleased that all these people claimed that they wanted me released because I thought that translated into “they care.” So time progresses and the fan base gets bigger and the “Free Earl” chants get louder but now with the “Free Earl” chants come a barely indirect “Fuck Earl’s Mom” and in the blink of an eye my worry changes from “will there still be this hype when I get back” to “Oh shit I just inspired a widespread movement of people who are dedicated to the downfall of my mom…” The only thing I need as of right now is space… Space means no more “Free Earl.” If you sincerely care then I appreciate the gesture, but since you know the hard facts from the source you no longer need to worry. I miss home. I don’t have any definite date though. Even if I did I don’t know if I’d tell you. You’ll hear from me without a doubt when I’m ready.”

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